Design, engineering, equipment fabrication & special machines


Over 35 years bringing Reliable and high-value solutions for our clients

TYC S.A. was set up in 1977 with the purpose of providing solutions to the different manufacturing sectors through engineering, production, logistics, and on-site assembling and commissioning of systems and equipment.

TYC S.A.´s facilities are located in Esteban Echeverría´s district, Province of Buenos Aires, in a surface of 10.000 m², fully equipped for the production of special equipment and process modules, With a monthly production capacity of finished equipment of 300 tons.

Among its activities TYC S.A. offers:

- Basic and detailed engineering for processes and design of equipments
- High quality production according to international standards
- On-site assembly and commissioning
- Post-sales service
- Comprehensive logistics services
- Suitable provision of replacement parts

As a company specialized in the production of equipments and complex structures of carbon steel, stainless steel and special alloys, we are under proper conditions to satisfy the demands of the national and international markets contributing a solid basic and detailed engineering according to the norms, codes and the most demanding standards at the present time.

All processes for projects undertaken by TYC SA have International Certification of Quality Control management under ISO 9001-2008.